wonder what the song was you just heard?
Who the artist was that played it?
What's coming up next hour?
Pick the day you want, see what's on right now...
On these pages, we list literally
everything that airs on
our station minute by minute. All the titles,
commercials, jingles... everything you hear, heard
and will hear appears here on the Z-Program Log.
How? Our station schedule is
converted to simple text file which
can search by keyword. If you're an advertiser, type in
your business name and see when your commercial
will play next. Type in the first letters of a song or artist
name as well. Keep in mind that these are the base
logs we generate and are subject to last minute
changes here at the station... just click on the
day of the week you want and of have fun!
To search the
log file, go to EDIT, then FIND. Type in the keyword.
Due to file limitations, some artist names are cut off, so use only
the first few
letters for best results in artist search, last name first.